Velg pavement is a competitive price. Bedalah seken with the price in a store. You need to see some things that would be okay with the condition of the goods. So let enggak regretted, for the community Sruntulan-select velg for tips in the street.
According to Rocky, one of the founders Sruntulan, select velg basic principles must be understood. First specify the first model that dinginkan. "Customize your theme with modifications the car," he said. Such, velg crossbar five themes suitable for racing and I spoke I made the cover elegant style. Then find out the diameter, width, offset and PCD velg pengin in the lead-up can get into the car space Fender Elu.
Create a price deal, The seller is also a senior at Sruntulan love advice, "Let enggak expensive, get friends who already know with it." But if no, do the bidding start from 50% of the price of a given trader. "Range of 75% of the price offered.
While knowing the condition of a tire, kembangn see it. "Ban the vulkanisir nip it have a enggak nyambung," said Rocky. Not only that, the physical test can be done. "Press the nail, if karetnya hard, it means that the ban has been a long time," said Wendry, also from Sruntulan.
The steps:
1.Cari know the size of the diameter and width velg, there is usually behind the bar velg.
2.lebih sure with the size, use a ruler to know the actual width velg.
3.Detail velg surface conditions. Velg lips from start to bolt hole. "Raba surface. If the former velg cracked and repaired, usually enggak flat surface, "said Rocky.
4.Lihat of surface color, usually velg patch if there is a color stripe. Oh yes, if want to check the condition velg, akan better results when the tires without the circle in velg. "Disabled tires can be shut," said Wendry, one member of a Sruntulan Honda Stream. (Grace)
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